5th Grade - Graduation Day / Moving Up Party


Dear 5th Grade Families: 


It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of Cochise and preparing for middle school!  As we begin to prepare for the last day of school, we want to share a few details with you regarding our 5th grade celebration. 




We will be celebrating our 5th graders on the last day of school, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd. Here is what to expect for the day:


9:00 am - 5th grade parade, Cochise Boulevard (students & parents)

9:30 am - Slideshow presentation of 5th graders, Cochise Cafeteria (students & parents)

10:15 am - Student Celebration, Mtn. View Rec Center, Lunch & Dessert will be provided (students only)

1:15 - Half Day Dismissal 


It is a tradition at Cochise that the whole school + 5th grade parents celebrate our students with a 5th Grade PARADE on the boulevard starting at 9:00 am on the 22nd. Parents typically bring cutouts or "big heads" of their child’s face using their Kindergarten picture to hold up during the parade. The parade should wrap around 9:30am, at which time parents will then move into the Cafeteria to join the 5th graders for a special slideshow.  The rest of the day will be just the students and pick up will be as normal at 1:15 that day.




You can create this by printing out a poster size photo and gluing it to a popsicle stick. There are also companies that will create these for you as well (some listed below, you can also google "big head cutouts" nearby to search).  **Please be sure to plan ahead, some of these take lead time to print, this is not something you can typically do the day before / morning of the parade*


  • BestBigHeads.com - Big Head Cutouts (different sizes, on cardboard, ranging $12 and up)
    • 20% off COCHISE Discount Code: cochise20
  • Walgreens / FedEx Office - poster prints available
  • Etsy - lots of options
  • Groupon - Custom Head Cutouts




Following the parade we will be playing a commemorative slideshow with (1) slide per student, and we need your help!  Our goal is to have at least 3-5 photos of each student in order for us to create slides.  We will make the slideshow, but we need your help providing photos!  We encourage photos of various ages, and it's also nice to have some group photos with friends.  We ask that you submit them as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, March 21st. You can submit your photo submissions to the google doc for 5th Grade Slideshow.  The google doc will also ask for you to confirm how you would like your child's name to appear on the slide (i.e., "Matt" or "Matthew") 


Slideshow Photo Submission Link: Sent via Parent Square




Finally, it’s a tradition that our 5th graders arrive on their last day with a special graduation TShirt waiting for each of them to wear for the day!  The students typically sign one another's shirts and celebrate their final day.  Every 5th grade student’s name will be printed on the back and the design will be in theme of our Graduation Day/Moving Up Party.  We are asking for a $20 donation to cover the cost of the shirts. Please send money to Ali Foster-Goldman at: 


Venmo : @alison-foster-goldman

Zelle : alif27@gmail.com

Cash : please give to Ms. O’Donnell (to send home for Ali)



Please feel free to email stacy.medeiros@ironmountain.com or your room moms with any questions regarding the slideshow.  We will be sharing more information as we approach May!



Thank you,



Your 2025 Graduation / Moving Up Party Committee


*********SAMPLE SLIDE**********



