What does it Mean to Join the APT?
1) Contributing to your APT Membership raises money that directly benefits your child! In doing so, you also help our school, students, teachers and receive numerous tangible and intangible benefits.
2) You have voting rights- by contributing towards the APT Membership you can come to and vote at General APT meetings.
3) You will receive a weekly Bobcat Blast newsletter filled with timely information about what is going on at Cochise.
4) Anyone can contribute towards APT Membership and join Cochise APT! Parents, students, grandparents, business owners, friends, etc. All APT memberships are valid for the current school year.
By contributing towards Membership you are not signing up to be a board member, you are not required to volunteer or attend meetings. But if you would like to volunteer from time to time, that would be awesome!
We have a variety of membership packages with different benefits.
You can even choose your own dollar amount!
Business sponsorship packages are also available.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN: 56-2430117.
Access APT Membership Store by Logging In. We've made it super easy...we
Your Family Account Page will be the first thing you see after you login.
Just below your Family Information will be your APT Membership Store link.
Click here to learn more about Why APT Still Matters.